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Parents & Students

At South Colonie, we recognize that students and parents/guardians are at the heart of our educational community. This dedicated section of our website is designed with you in mind, providing a wealth of resources, information, and support to enhance your educational journey. Below you will find some frequently used external links listed underneath the department that utilizes their services.

Please note: there may be repeated links accross columns, as this compiled list is meant to not only provide easy access to these links, but also inform parents and students about which department or category they are primarily used for. 


External Platform Links


Parent Square – communication between parents, students, and staff (also available as a downloadable app)

Google Classroom – student assignments

Aspen– parent portal


GoFan – event ticketing

Hudl – recording and streaming of games

Aktivate – athletic registration

Schedule Galaxy – schedule updates (also available as a downloadable app)


Linq Connect– payment platform

Fresh Service– submit a ticket/ HelpDesk

Aspen– parent portal

Additional technology resources for families