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Branding is more than a logo. It’s about creating and feeling a connection.

Brand Strategy

In March 2023, the South Colonie Central School District embarked on a comprehensive rebranding process following a mandate from the State Education Department. After months of collaboration, planning, and community input, the Board of Education adopted a resolution in February 2024 to change the district’s athletic nickname to Colonie Wolf Pack™, effective July 1, 2024. 

Branding South Colonie

Branding South Colonie is an ongoing initiative centered on defining and enhancing the district's identity through cohesive visual elements and messaging. With a pending trademark application, the district aims to solidify its unique presence in the community and beyond. By aligning with core values of Academics, Wellness, Character, and Community, South Colonie seeks to foster a recognizable and trusted image that resonates with stakeholders. This branding effort underscores a commitment to delivering a comprehensive educational experience and maintaining a strong connection with its diverse community.

headshot David Perry

Message from Superintendent Perry…

“While the change to the Colonie Wolf Pack™ represents a shift in the school's identity, it does not diminish the traditions and spirit of our school community. The Colonie Wolf Pack™ embodies values of strength, unity, and resilience, which align with the core values that have always been central to our school's identity. We remain committed to fostering a sense of pride and belonging among students, staff, and community members under the new branding. As we move forward, we will continue to honor our past while embracing an exciting future.”

Dr. David Perry

Visual Identity

The visual identity of the South Colonie Central School District is a powerful representation of our values and mission. Our logo, colors, typography, and imagery are carefully crafted to reflect our commitment to Academics, Wellness, Character, and Community. Consistent use of these visual elements in all marketing and communications materials strengthens our brand, fosters a sense of unity, and enhances recognition within the community. Through our visual identity, we convey the essence of South Colonie's dedication to providing an exceptional and holistic educational experience for every student.

Color Palette

primary colors


secondary colors


District Emblem

district emblem

Primary Marks

wolf face on    ™    head image ™

Athletic Block C

athletic block c gold           athletic block c garnet

District Lockup 

   district lockup           

Secondary Marks

paw print  ™         c with wolf face

Word Marks

garnet word mark

yellow word mark




Join the Pack. Follow our Brand.

South Colonie Brand Guide