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2024 State of the District Community Presentation: Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence

Posted Date: 02/06/2024

2024 State of the District Community Presentation: Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence

Dear South Colonie school community, 

I am writing to share that our 2024 State of the District presentation is now available to view. As we reflect on our past accomplishments and look towards the future, I am proud to share with you our achievements and exciting developments and updates as we look ahead.

Academic Achievements

Over the past year, our district has achieved numerous milestones that showcase the dedication and commitment of our students, staff and community members. From academic achievements to extracurricular successes, our district continues to excel in various areas. We have seen an increase in the four-year average of student graduation rates, boasting an impressive 93%, a significant increase from 86% in 2015. Our students continue to excel in standardized testing and college admissions, showcasing their high performance and readiness for post high school success. Our commitment to providing a well-rounded education is evident through the success of our athletic teams, music and arts, and expansion of program offerings like Universal Pre-K, ENL programming and expanded pathways at the high school level.

Our students continue to shine both inside and outside the classroom. They have earned prestigious scholarships, received recognition for their community service efforts and showcased their talents in regional and national competitions. Their dedication to academic excellence, leadership and service is a testament to the values instilled in them by our dedicated educators.

75th Anniversary

This year marks a special occasion as we celebrate our 75th anniversary. Today,  we commemorate a significant moment in history from 1949, when voters decisively endorsed the merger with a vote of 1083 to 680, bringing together West Albany, Roessleville, Colonie Village, Maywood, Karner, and Shaker Road schools under the Colonie Central School District #1 banner. Let’s take a moment to reflect on this milestone.

Safety & Communications

Ensuring the safety and well-being of our students and staff remains a top priority. We have implemented enhanced safety protocols and procedures to create a secure learning environment for everyone.  Additionally, we’ve completed the installation of exterior cameras across the district to enhance security measures. Furthermore, we’ve been diligently enhancing our communication efforts behind the scenes to ensure our community remains informed and engaged. This includes the development of a new website focused on providing easy access to information, enhancing accessibility, and streamlining the overall user experience. We’re excited to announce the launch of a new website in the upcoming weeks.

Next Generation Colonie 

I am excited to share progress on our capital project dedicated to improving our facilities and learning environments for the future generations of Colonie. With thoughtful planning and teamwork, we’ve finalized the design for stage 1, and it’s currently under review by the State Education Department Facilities Planning. We anticipate approval by early March, paving the way for construction to commence in Spring 2024. Attached please find design renderings developed by SEI Designs. 

Budget Planning for 2024-25

As we plan for the upcoming school year, we remain committed to fiscal responsibility and transparency. Our budget planning process prioritizes investments in programs and resources that directly benefit our students while ensuring long-term financial sustainability. More information including our budget planning calendar can be found here. 

I want to express my gratitude to our dedicated staff, supportive parents and engaged community members for their continued partnership and commitment to the success of our district. Together, we will continue to build on our legacy and provide our students with the knowledge, skills and opportunities they need to thrive for years to come.

Thank you for your unwavering support.


Dr. David Perry
Superintendent of Schools