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Budget Vote & Board Election Results

South Colonie voters approve $128 Million School spending plan and bus purchases; Elects two board members

On Tuesday, May 21, South Colonie Central School District voters approved the district’s $128 million spending plan and bus purchase proposition. In addition, voters elected two new Board of Education members. The budget proposition garnered 75.6% approval with 871 in favor and 281 votes against.

“We want to thank all South Colonie residents who took time to cast their votes,” said Dr. David Perry, superintendent of schools. “This show of support is a testament to the collective commitment we share in providing our students with an exceptional educational experience. The passing of the budget enables us to continue offering a wide range of enriching academic programs, maintaining high-quality facilities and investing in the professional development of our dedicated staff.”

“I want to express my deepest gratitude to our community for recognizing the value of education and for entrusting us with the responsibility of shaping the future of our students, said Board of Education President Brian Casey “Together, we will continue to foster a learning environment that empowers every student to thrive and succeed."

The approved 2024-25 school year budget of $128,785,118 represents a 5.39% increase in spending, amounting to an additional $6,590,416. The levy will rise by 2.99%, remaining below the New York State Tax Levy Limitation. 

Budget Highlights

Transportation and O&M

  • Implementation of a bus maintenance replacement plan to ensure student safety and efficiency.
  • Continuation of districtwide maintenance and paving plan.

Staffing: Addition of 1 custodial mechanic to support the district's new property.

Student Support Services

  • Student support services highlights include additional staff to support the growing needs of English Language Learners (ELL) and special education student populations.
  • Continued emphasis on social-emotional health through sustaining previously added staffing for those areas.


  • 1 English as a New Language (ENL) Teacher to enhance support for our ELLs in our growing UPK programs.
  • 1 School Psychologist to support mental health initiatives and enhance the special education evaluation process.
  • 1 Elementary Teacher MTSS Trainer (TOSA) to provide training for faculty and staff on processes involved in our academic and behavioral intervention models.
  • 2 Physical Therapists, which is budget neutral, to bring our physical therapy services in-house instead of contracting to an outside vendor. 
  • Replacing retirements allows us to keep sustainable programming levels that we have grown in the past few years.

Instructional Highlights

  • Additional staff to support expanded UPK programming at Shaker Road.
  • Continued STEAM education programming at the elementary and middle school levels. 
  • Continued career exploration program for students to gain knowledge and exposure to the most desired and applicable career experiences, college majors, associate degrees and skilled trade professions. 
  • Implementation of a district wide technology replacement plan to support ongoing wear and tear and applicable upgrades.


  • 1 Teacher and 1 TA for UPK Expansion to Shaker Road Elementary School, launching the final program to encompass all of our elementary schools. 
  • Coaching/Advisor Positions have been enhanced or added based on evaluation of time and need in those buildings/activities to support the importance of extracurricular activities in making well-rounded students. 
  • 1 IT Computer Tech will continue to grow the support for our instructional technology, including the launching of a student help desk at the high school in the future. 
  • Replacing retirements allows us to keep sustainable programming levels that we have grown in the past few years

Bus Proposition

Voters approved the school bus replacement plan, allowing for the purchase of nine replacement school buses of various sizes, including six 66-passenger buses, two 16-passenger buses, and one 42-passenger bus. The total cost will not exceed $1,391,000, with 858 votes in favor and 292 against.

Board Elections

In the Board of Education election, David Kiehle was reelected to serve another term, receiving 938 votes. Kiehle's five-year term is set to commence on July 1.

Additionally, Eric McDowell received 298 votes, and Jen Houlihan received 728 votes, with Houlihan securing the open board seat to succeed James T. Ryan. Her five-year term will also begin on July 1.