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South Colonie set to break ground on athletic turf field complex; Stage I of Capital Project

Posted Date: 04/02/2024

Turf Field Mockup
Turf Field mock-up

In a major step towards modernizing its facilities, the South Colonie Central School District is preparing to commence construction on a state of the art athletic turf field complex. This milestone comes on the heels of the approval of a $120 million capital project by South Colonie voters in October 2022.

The project aims to rejuvenate the district’s aging infrastructure, improve instructional spaces, and provide essential safety upgrades districtwide. Alongside instructional space enhancements like auditoriums, the proposed athletic turf field complex will offer modernized facilities to meet the evolving needs of athletes and the community at large. This initiative promises a multitude of benefits, including enhanced safety, increased playing time, and expanded opportunities for multi use and outdoor activities.

Since receiving voter approval, members of the Board of Education and district leadership have been diligently collaborating to engage stakeholders in the initial stage designs of the capital project. The design work for Stage I of the project has been prepared and submitted to the New York State Education Department (NYSED) for approval. With the design phase successfully completed, construction plans are now poised to commence on South Colonie campuses with the ceremonial dig for the turf complex set for April 22. 

“This significant milestone marks the beginning of tangible progress towards Stage I of our Next Generation Capital work,” said Superintendent of Schools Dr. David Perry. “The overwhelming support from South Colonie voters underscores the importance of investing in our district’s school buildings and athletic facilities to promote health, wellness and community cohesion. As we break ground in this field, we symbolize our commitment to providing modernized amenities that cater to the needs of our students and the broader community. This is just one area we are working to improve for our students and school community, aiming to create a hub for academic and athletic excellence, community engagement, and recreational enjoyment for years to come.”

Local officials, community leaders, and members of the public will gather at noon to celebrate this momentous occasion and commemorate the beginning of a new chapter for South Colonie.

More information about the Next Generation Capital Project can be found on this page.